FengMAP SDK is developed by FengMAP Technology for spatial information management, building information management, 3D spatial data visualization and navigation. It supports multiple platforms, such as Web, Android and iOS.
Map Display & Controls
Route Planning & Navigation
Map Display

Maps are rendered through FengMAP SDK, and the initial rendering state supports custom setting of map themes; load floor one by one to pick up speed for large amount of map data.


FengMAP SDK provides a variety of controls for you to directly use or customize controls.


FengMAP SDK supports overlays, such as point marker, line marker, polygon marker, location marker and heat map.

  • Image marker
  • Polygon marker
  • Text marker
  • Line marker
  • DOM marker
  • Heat Map
  • 3D Model marker

Map events can be divided into general events (click, hover) and gestures.


FengMAP SDK provides classified query interface for map data, and supports query modes such as keyword query, distance query, buffer query, and tract polygon query.

Route Planning

Create a route, track the user's progress to the destination and provide audio and visual guidance along the way.


Keep the user headed to their destination even when network connectivity is temporarily unavailable.

Render Effects
FengMAP supports not only basic maps that include brand logo and industry icon, but also various advanced 3D models.
Basic Map Advanced 3D Model Map Bloom Effect
With the help of FengMAP SDK, you can make customized map according to your application scenario.

FengMAP SDK provides small size feature pack which includs five modules and can be flexibly applied.


One map for multiple applications. We provide multi-platform applications such as Web, Android and iOS.

Safe and Stable Deployment Environment
Two-Factor Authentication

FengMAP offers an open standard format designed for representing simple geographical features, along with their non-spatial attributes. It is based on the .fmap format.

Offline Deployment

FengMAP SDK supports both online and offline map loading: LAN access, offline deployment and cloud access.

Development Process
Create A Dev Environment Download FengMAP SDK Create A Web project Get/Configure
APP Key and Map
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